Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Reference this!

If the thought of referencing all those library books you've quoted in your essay is just too much let the Library's OttoBib bookmarklet help you out.

If you're using Firefox drag this Reference this! link to your Bookmarks Toolbar. Alternatively you can right-click and select 'Bookmark This Link…' (If you're using Internet Explorer, right-click on this Reference this! link and select 'Add to Favorites…'.)

Now when you come across a book in our catalogue (or anyone else's catalogue for that matter) that you'd like to reference simply select the ISBN of the book and click 'Reference this!' on your toolbar.

Remember to always check the formatting of any reference this, or any other online tool provides. The Library has a comprehensive collection of referencing help available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for the link, its so easy to use and in future all my references will be a breeze to do.